Ideal Work

2018 Offline Advertising Campaign

Combining product detail and project overview

The challenge was, as it often happens, to come up with a good idea (better if great) for a series of offline ADVs, in the shortest amount of time possible
…and without budget!
In order to meet the request we were forced to use the materials already available: a database of high resolution images of all the projects carried out up to then.

We basically ended up adopting the same approach we opted for in the previous renewal of the comopany website:
to highlight the creations that the infinite potential of Ideal Work product-catalog made possible.

Concept, copyright, artwork

Real Projects

All subjects portrayed in the ADV were real. 100% authentic.
This authenticity was made explicit through a descriptive caption bearing name, location and the products involved in the making of it.

Environment and detail at a glance

The graphic solution of the frame around the main image allowed us to zoom into the material texture while keeping a complete overlook on the architecture.

Materia Futura

The headline of this campaign was just as important as its subject.
We decided to use an Italian copyright to unveil the manufacturer’s country of origin without actually telling it.
In any case this was an international campaign, to be published in the best magazine all around the world.
This meant our headline had to be as short as possible and had to sound understandable to an English speaking audience, because it was
in Italian.
2 words could be enough: Materia and Futura.
Materia in Italian means matter. It recalls the english word “material” which is the focus of the campaign. Ideal Work is a manufacturer of solutions for surfaces made with concrete.
Futura, translation of Future, connotes these same products as innovative and avant-garde, like the future itself.