Iris Ceramica

2018 Multichannel ADV Campaign


One considerable limitation in describing ceramic surfaces is their coldness both physical and metaphorical.
Often we limit ourself to describing their graphics and sizes and not much else. Afterall they are coatings.
The perspective changes if you consider ceramic as an integral part in the surrounding of a person’s everyday life
This is Rather significant
If we then consider the space around us as an entity capable of interaction, influence and emotional transfer with the people in it, the aesthetic factor of the coverings becomes very meaningful.
This concept can be summarized in one word: the Atmosphere.
We can take it for granted if we want, but we cannot fail to notice that people tend to choose the surfaces that best express their personality.
We decided therefore to identify some generic “stereotyped moods” to describe different styles of interior design as well as the lifestyles of the people living in them.
With a pinch of irony, you will be able to find the ceramic that is right for you.

Ideazione Concept, Copy, Storyboard, Direzione Shooting, Direzione Artistica, Grafica,

Atmosphere 1 – Rock

On stage with embossed steel and worn-out leather

Atmosphere 2 – Luxury

Precious marble and decors for high standard tea time

Atmosphere 3 – Urban

Street dances in a grunge encounter between gray asphalt and bright colors