
Recipes #AroundTheTop book

After 2 years of touring Europe the SapienStone #AroundTheTop Project was coming to an end.
We were asked to give it a happy ending.
Our thought was What if the story was collected in a book?Or even better, something in between a travel guide and a cookbook, containing all the recipes made during a 2-years tour by truck and much more?’ All these ideas led us to a Christmas gift for the SapienStone commercial network worldwide.

Direzione Artistica, Ideazione Concept, Grafica, Copy

The Tour became a book

The easy part of the job was that we already had all the materials to achieve a remarkable result from the photographic point of view:
For each one of the 18 recipes we shot 3 pictures of the preparation process and 3 of the main ingredients;
we could also rely on other hi-quality pictures by international food influencers that took part to the project.
We just had to put them in order and add an introduction to the project (or rather a celebration of it) before laying it down in graphics.

All colours and typefaces were carefully chosen in accordance with the Company guidelines.

Garamond was a good solution for the ingredients list, while preparation and other text were declined in Akzidenz Grotesque.

The whole colour palette was essentially all shades of white and Warm Grey Pantone. Nothing more.

Some more details

To make the all job more complete we added few sections to the book:

A few pages were dedicated to the Kitchen Masterpieces SapienStone ADV Campaign we made the same year; the photographic style was the same used for shooting the ingredients, a playful experience with food on kitchen countertops.
A company profile, was added, including numbers and product descriptions, as well as a biography of all the contributors from all around Europe that made that epic project possible.

An ‘Enjoy your reading’ wish was never more appropriate.